AMOA Member Press Releases

  The Member Press Release service is a members-only benefit. All submissions must be in a PDF format, ready for posting; links to the member’s website for access to the press release are also acceptable. Send all press releases to Maggie Kapinos, with “Member Press Release” in subject line. Member Press Releases will be posted for 90 days.

Posted July 2024

BarSharp, Barsharp Blitz Goes National

Posted July 2024



Disclaimer:  Only the original issuers of press releases are responsible for verifying the accuracy of their content. Amusement & Music Operators Association (AMOA), its principals, officers and employees disclaim any liability whatsoever for inaccuracies found in the content of the press releases transmitted on or through the Member Press Releases section of the AMOA website.

  AMOA reserves the right to reject and/or remove copy when necessary in its sole judgment. AMOA will not be responsible or liable for any of the information transmitted on or through its service on behalf of members, and will not be responsible or liable for any decisions made based on such information.